During the hot summer season, you may have noticed that your digestion is not as strong. That being the case you may want to consider cow ghee to help improve digestion and to also help cool the body. Ghee is a pitta pacifying substance that is useful in summer and especially cooling, as it contains a number of bitter herbs, including neem. Ayurvedic literature says that taking 1/2 teaspoon of cow ghee on an empty stomach on summer mornings will improve digestive functions and control pitta dosha.
In the Ayurveda wisdom, cow ghee is considered to be a rejuvenating ingredient that is used to cure most ailments. Ghee is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acid along with vitamin-A, which helps to keep your body healthy. Its anti-inflammatory properties keep you free from various diseases. While ghee is revered as one of the healthiest ingredients in the Indian kitchens and mostly enjoyed during winters, its edibility during summers is generally questioned. If you think ghee can only be enjoyed during winters, then you might be wrong.
Desi Cow Ghee (Shudh Ghee) is highly nutritious & consists of various nutritional benefits. It is rich in butyric acid that helps to improve our immune system. It also helps keep our body cool. Experts recommend taking half a spoon of desi cow ghee daily on an empty stomach in summers. This can improve digestive functions by stimulating secretion of gastric acids. “Cow ghee is a ‘sweet food’ – it is strengthening. Helps in digestion and tempers the over-activity of all the three bodily doshas. Cow ghee is loaded with healthy fats, and a human body needs some amount of fats to keep it going. This is why we recommend having ghee during hot days. Also, since our body gets dry in summer, consumption of cow ghee will help balance the internal moisture.
Read our blog – Why The Pure Desi Cow Milk Ghee Is Costlier Than Normal Ghee?

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The best form of pure ghee that can be consumed during summers is prepared from cow’s milk, as it is sweeter in taste, cold in nature, light on stomach and makes for an excellent pacifier of aggravated vata dosha and pitta dosha. Pitta dosha is hot in potency by nature, and during summer this heat is aggravated causing heat related ailments in the body. For effective results, cow ghee should be added separately after cooking as foods cooked in ghee may have completely different effects.
Summer Diet: Include Cow Ghee To Burn Belly Fat And Lose Weight Effectively
Cow ghee for belly fat: Here’s how it reduce weight.
- Ghee is packed with essential amino acids that assist in mobilising the fat and making the fat cells to shrink in size. So, if you think your body is accumulating fat quickly, consider adding ghee to your weight loss diet.
- Ghee contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is a type of omega-6 fatty acids, which when consumed helps in weight loss.
- Omega-6 fatty acids can also help increase lean body mass and reduce fat mass, which in turn reduce weight.
- Similarly, the omega-3 fatty acids in ghee also help you lose inches and shed body fat.
- Moreover, ghee comes packed with a range of benefits, ranging from improving digestion to preventing inflammation, which can further help you lose weight.
While ghee may be a great ingredient that may help you lose weight, you should understand that anything in excess is bad. Despite its health benefits and benefits for weight loss, ghee should be taken in moderation, considering it is high in saturated fats. It is okay to take one to two teaspoons of ghee every day in order to yield maximum benefits.
Read our blog- Cow ghee has been an Indian staple for millennia. Now the rest of the world is catching on

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Here are some reasons to use Desi Cow Ghee
- It is packed with nutrients: Not only is ghee a huge source of butyric acid, it also contains significant amount of vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, omega 3 and 9 fatty acids, and various other long, medium and short chain fatty acids.
- It contains butyric acid: Butyric acid is a saturated short chain fatty acid that supports the overall health and healing of the small and large intestines. It is known to benefit those with chronic digestive issues by decreasing digestive inflammation and enhancing the gut wall integrity. Not only will it decrease inflammation in the gut, it can decrease overall inflammation, potentially allowing for increased joint mobility and connective tissue flexibility.
- It can be used for Oleation: Oleation is an ancient Ayurvedic technique in which ghee is taken for a series of morning during an Ayurvedic kitchari cleanse and it used to pull fat soluble toxins out of fat cells. This means ghee is a wonderful tool in the detoxification process. When it is used in this cleanse, ghee triggers fat metabolism.
- Last but not least, according to Ayurveda, ghee is a spiritual oil: As it comes from cows, and cows are a sacred animal according to this traditional system, ghee is a pure, sattvic (nourishing and balancing) oil that can help with many conditions. It is said to purify the mind, bring in mental clarity and help one reach deeper states of consciousness. So to all the yogis out there trying to find more depth and relaxation in savasana, this could be a very beneficial addition to your day.
- Promotes digestion: Cow ghee helps in improving digestive strength by revitalizing secretion of enzymes. Cow ghee is easy to absorb and metabolize as it contains lower chain fatty acids. People with weak digestion must consume cow ghee so that their body can break down their food in a better manner. Cow ghee is among those rare food items that help in balancing bile without diminishing the intestinal potential of the body. Constipation can be cured with cow ghee. If one consumes a spoonful of cow ghee mixed in lukewarm milk, they can achieve healthy bowels in the morning.

Read our blog- What is Desi Cow Ghee Used For? There May Be Some Uses You Didn’t Even Know About
How to use cow ghee
There are several ways to incorporate cow ghee in your diet:
- Add cow ghee to your dairy-free elixirs.
- Melt it over steamed vegetables.
- Add it to savory or sweet oatmeal/porridge.
- Use cow ghee in natural beauty care recipes.
- Boost flavour of gluten-free grains by cooking them with some cow ghee.
- Spread it on your gluten-free bread, muffins, crackers or other baked goods.
- Use it as a healthy cooking oil for high-heat cooking like stir-frying, roasting or sauteing.
- Substitute cow ghee in any recipe where you’d normally use butter (baking, macaroni and cheese, popcorn, sandwiches, gluten-free toast, etc).
Cooking With Ghee In Summer
The anti-inflammatory properties of ghee keeps you free from various illnesses and also keeps your body cool in summer.
Rolls out, consumption of desi ghee can keep the body and mind cool and calm. Also our body could get dry during summer, consuming ghee may be effective.
The reason is because it can decrease inflammation in the body and provide the body with a cooling effect.
Ghee is sweet in flavor and cold and stiff in nature. Hence, it’s wonderful for the hot summer season.So, ghee is the ideal addition to all your summer cooked food.
The finest form of ghee that can be consumed during the summer season is obtained from cow’s milk, as it is much sweeter in taste, cold in nature, light on stomach due to its anti-inflan=matory properties and makes for an amazing pacifier of aggravated vata dosha and pitta dosha. Pitta dosha is considered to be hot in potency by nature, and during the summer season this heat is aggravated causing heat related illness in the body.
Also, ghee is known for its ability to lubricate, calm and soothe the gut, which can also aid in reducing inflammation and heat in the body.
Naveen m...